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A specialty so widespread abroad and still so unknown in Greece

Optometry is the science that deals with the function of vision.

Optometrists are the professionals who quantitatively and qualitatively measure vision as well as the way in which it is interpreted and used from each person.

According to the definition of the European Council of Optometry and Optics (ECOO): “Optometry is an autonomous profession in the field of health, which requires training and is governed by certain rules, i.e. practiced exclusively by graduates of recognized schools who have secured a license to practice the profession. 

Vision participates in every human activity and therefore visual dysfunctions can be expressed through movement, learning, body posture, thinking and behavior.

Optometrists can  restore or even correct vision impairments with glasses, lenses, filters, visual aids or visual training/vision therapy programs.


What is the difference between an Optometrist and an Ophthalmologist?

The two specialties are complementary and collaborate with common fields of research.

Ophthalmologists have studied medicine and are specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

Optometrists have studied at university-level schools the science of optics and optometry and are able to diagnose and restore functional vision problems.

As is obvious many vision problems need both specialties in order to be treated in the best possible way

When should I get a checkup?

How often you get your vision and eye health exam depends on your age and factors such as general health and family history. The National Health System of Great Britain makes the following recommendations.

  • Every 6 months for people up to 16 years old with some refractive error
  • Every 1 year for people up to 18 years old
  • Every 2 years for people from 19 to 60 years old
  • Every 1 year for people over 60 years old
  • Every 1 year for people over 40 with a first relative degree with glaucoma
  • Every 1 year for people with diabetes

These are only general rules for the frequency of eye health reexamination and in no way replace the advice of the specialist attending you. Also, in cases where you detect a change in your vision, be sure to visit a specialist, regardless of when you had your vision checked for the last time.

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