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IRLEN Syndrome, formerly known as Scotopic sensitivity syndrome (SSS) causes a distorted world.  

This leads the person to tension and a feeling of fatigue. The reason is that the brain is unable to process some radiations of natural light and thus more brain centers are activated than are needed to process visual stimuli.

Irlen syndrome is claimed to be hereditary and affects 13% of the general population. It affects men and women alike. It also affects 46% of people with dyslexia or learning difficulties, 55% of people who have suffered a stroke and 33% of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The syndrome can also be experienced by people with vision problems who are not fully treated by an ophthalmologist.


46% of people with reading difficulties, ADHD, dyslexia or other learning difficulties have Irlen Syndrome. These people may have been labeled or given the impression that they are poor performers, have behavioral problems, concentration problems, or are unmotivated to learn. Their overall impression may also be that they are trying but need more effort.

How does it affect us?

  • Slow and inadequate reading
  • Unexplained fatigue or poor reading comprehension
  • Writing, copying
    Mathematical concepts and/or computer use
  • Those with Ihrlen syndrome usually do not make significant progress with instructions and treatment programs.

Research and Evaluation

Since 1983, research has shown that the right color improves reading rate, accuracy and comprehension. The right filter, consisting of all the wavelengths of light that the brain is sensitive to, allows the brain to capture and process accurate visual information. The Irlen Method has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Periodic reassessments, treatments, or other interventions may be necessary to eliminate co-occurring learning disabilities.


  1. SENSITIVITY TO LIGHT Bothered by fluorescent lights, bright lights, shiny objects, sunlight, or driving at night
  2. POOR PERFORMANCE Poor reading progress, grades that do not represent their effort and knowledge, test scores are lower than expected, avoid reading, or do not read for pleasure.
  3. READING DIFFICULTIES Problems with the sharpness or stability of the printed page, or the white background affects the reading of words, numbers or musical notes. Poor speed, accuracy, understanding and pleasure.
  4. POOR ATTENTION AND CONCENTRATION They are easily distracted and have problems starting an exercise, staying on an exercise, show that they tire easily and quickly, feel restless or nervous.
  5. HEADACHES AND PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS Headaches, stomachaches, or migraines that have no medical cause, from reading, homework, or other perceptual activities.
  6. TIRED OR UNCOMFORTABLE Feel exhausted, tired, or sleepy when reading, studying, or doing perceptual activities.
  7. POOR DEPTH PERCEPTION Inability to accurately calculate distances, proportions of space. Difficulty with escalators, stairs, ball sports, or driving.


  • Better understanding
  • Increased reading speed
    Improved accuracy
  • Reduction of fatigue and overexertion
  • Increasing self-esteem
  • Increase performance at school (academic performance)

Detection – Treatment

The Irlen Method is a restorative technique that uses colored transparencies and precisely painted filters, worn like glasses or contact lenses to reduce or eliminate perceptual disturbances and light sensitivity.

The filter is not like sunglasses. This unique color brings comfort without making the environment dark or colorful.

An intensive diagnostic evaluation is necessary to determine the most effective color filter or combination of filters from the entire spectrum of invisible and visible radiation. The diagnosis is made by a certified specialist therapist of the syndrome.

So the root solution to the problem is finding a color filter (overlay or lens in glasses or contact lens) suitable for the person by a certified detector. The symptoms stop immediately and the person perceives the world correctly. The method is applied in 42 countries of the world and is based on complete research data.

The Irlen Method does not replace the need for therapy but removes the obstacles that make learning difficult.

Optometrist Irini Katsouraki is a certified Irlen Screener and successfully applies the Irlen method.

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